Drangbal, Pampore, 192121 Kashmir - India
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
North zone sqay championship


Entry Form for 23rd National Sqay Championship 2022-23 to be held at Jammu w.e.f 30-12-2022 to 02-01-2023. Kindly submit team/contingent participation through this form by or before 10-12-2022 so that necessary arrangements are put in place.

All state heads are requested to send names of two qualified and approved National Referees of SFI for upcoming Jammu national championship by or before 27th of November 2022 positively after cut of date no name will be excepted the TA/DA of officials will be provide by federation under rules the TA/Da will be claimed only after submitting safe voucher.
Arshid Ahmad Bhat
Secretary General
